WebLogic AdminServer, running camunda, the taskana parse listener, taskListener and outbox rest API, using an Oracle Database
Wildfly 12.0 server, running Taskana, the Taskana REST Api and workplace (module taskana-rest-spring-example-wildfly) plus the adapter (module taskana-adapter-camunda-wildfly-example)
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Preparation of WebLogic and the Oracle Database.
Please read the description completely before beginning with configuration / installation
Oracle is set up in such a way that Camunda and TaskanaTaskListener / Taskana Outbox Rest use the same database but a different schema. Camunda uses schema ‘camunda’ while the Taskana components use schema taskana_tables.
. In our tests, we configured taskana TaskListener and Outbox Rest Api to use the camunda datasource for access to the database. For the Outbox Rest Api you might want to use a different datasource. You can do this, but this step is not described here.
Set up comprises the following tasks.
Install WebLogic and configure a WebLogic domain with an AdminServer.
Prepare oracle database and deploy camunda to the WebLogic AdminServer as described in https://docs.camunda.org/manual/7.7/installation/full/wls/manual/ . This involves creation of schema camunda and the camunda tables as well as the dataSource for camunda.
Create a new schema for the outbox tables:
Log into SQL Plus (sys as sysdba) and create user TASKANA_TABLES for the outbox
> Create USER TASKANA_TABLES identified by <password for TASKAN_TABLES>
Log into SQLPlus as user taskana_tables
create schema taskana_tables via taskana-outbox-schema-oracle.sql script from the sql directory of taskana-adapter-camunda-listener-<version>.jar. Before running the script, change
%schemaName% --> TASKANA_TABLES
%camundaSchemaName% --> CAMUNDAgrant rights to camunda
Enable Taskana ParseListener and TaskListener:
copy taskana-adapter-camunda-listener-<version>.jar to <WebLogicDomainRoot>/lib
copy slf4j-api-1.7.30.jar and slf4j-simple-1.7.30.jar to <WebLogicDomainRoot>/lib to enable log entries from the taskana components.
find camunda-oracle-weblogic-service.jar in the subtree below <WebLogicDomainRoot>. We found it at <WebLogic-Domain>\servers\AdminServer\tmp_WL_user\camunda-bpm-platform\o3p2c6.
Edit this jar file, navigate to META-INF and modify META-INF/bpm-platform.xml
Add the taskana engine plugin:
in the plugins section.
You might prefer to modify bpm-platform.xml in the downloaded Camunda distribution for WebLogic. In this distribution, you find bpm-platform.xml in the "modules\camunda-oracle-weblogic-ear-$VERSION.ear\camunda-oracle-weblogic-service.jar\META-INF" folder. If you modify bpm-platform.xml in this location, you must do it before you install camunda to WebLogic.Supply an external common property file for the ParseListener, TaskListener and the outbox REST api:
create 'properties - directory', e.g. <WebLogicDomainRoot>/taskanaconfig
modify <WebLogic-DomainROOT>/bin/setDomainEnv.cmd. 'Un-comment' the line that sets the PATCH_CLASSPATH and edit it so that it points to the fully qualified pathname of the 'properties - direcotory'
Place taskana-outbox.properties into the 'properties - directory'. This property file must contain the properties
taskana.adapter.outbox.schema (taskana-tables, the schema name of the outbox tables),
taskana.adapter.outbox.datasource.jndi (the jndi name of the datasource that can be used to access the outbox tables. You can use camunda's datasource or define an own one).
and it should contain the property taskana.adapter.create_outbox_schema=false, since this schema was created manually
Start WebLogic and install taskana-adapter-camunda-outbox-rest-<version>.war via the WebLogic admin console
Preparation of JBoss / Wildfly for taskana / taskana-adapter with postgres database
configure postgres database and datasource as described in https://taskana.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TAS/pages/887226440/Preliminary+Use+PostgreSQL+as+a+Datasource+for+Camunda+BPM
For the configuration of the datasource, you can also use the <JBoss-home>/bin/jboss-cli shell script. To do this, you start the wildfly / JBoss server and then invoke jboss-cli in the <JBoss-home>/bin directory.
Use the following commands with the JBoss-cli command prompt (before doing this, you have to place postgresql-42.2.5.jar into the /Driver/ directory):Code Block ]connect ]module add --name=org.postgres --resources=/Driver/postgresql-42.2.5.jar --dependencies=javax.api,javax.transaction.api ]/subsystem=datasources/jdbc-driver=postgres:add(driver-name="postgres",driver-module-name="org.postgres",driver-class-name=org.postgresql.Driver) ]/subsystem=datasources/data-source=TaskanaDS/:add(connection-url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres,driver-name=postgres,jndi-name=java:/TaskanaDS, initial-pool-size=4,max-pool-size=64,min-pool-size=4,password=postgres,user-name=postgres)]exit
enable elytron security
Code Block <JBoss-home>/jboss-cli.sh --file=<JBoss-home>/docs/examples/enable-elytron.cli
create user admin via <DBoss-home>/bin/add-user shell script
provide a TaskRoutingProvider as described in https://taskana.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TAS/pages/995524621/TaskRouting+Service+Provider+Interface
Place this TaskRoutingProvider into the taskana-rest-spring-example-wildfly-<version>.war file below directory WEB-INF/classes.
In addition, a pro.taskana.spi.routing.api.TaskRoutingProvider control file that lives in a subdirectory META-INF/services of the classpath is required in order to register the SPI implementation.
Place this file into the WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services directory.Create an application.properties file in <JBoss-Root>/bin/config directory. Specify the following properties:
taskana-system-connector-camundaSystemURLs=<camundaSystem1-RestURL> | <camundaSystem1-TaskEventsURL>
In the reference setup, this is:
taskana-system-connector-camundaSystemURLs=http://localhost:7001/engine-rest | http://localhost:7001taskana.schemaName=TASKANA
spring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding=true (this property is required)
In addition, all properties of the application.properties files of the taskana-rest-spring-example-wildfly as well as the taskana-adapter-camunda-wildfly-example projects can be specified.
Deploy taskana-rest-spring-example-wildfly-<version>.war (copy to deploy directory)
Deploy taskana-adapter-camunda-wildfly-example-0.9.2-SNAPSHOT.war (copy to deploy directory)
Start JBoss / wildfly
Have fun. You can now direct your browser to camunda via http://localhost:7001/camunda or to the taskana workplace via http://localhost:8080/taskana.