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READRead or query workbasket metadata. If a user does not have the READ permission, he does not even know about the existence of the workbasket.
OPENThe user is allowed to query the tasks of the workbasket (the content). 
APPENDThe user is allowed to append a task to the workbasket. This applies to creation of tasks in this workbasket as well as for transferring tasks to this workbasket.
TRANSFERAllows the user to transfer tasks from this workbasket to another one.
DISTRIBUTEThe user is allowed to distribute tasks from this workbasket to the configured distribution targets. For distribution the APPEND and TRANSFER permissions are checked also. 
CUSTOM_1 .. CUSTOM_12Permissions to be used in custom code to configure application specific scenarios which are not directly checked by TaskanaTASKANA.