Taskana is configured via a configuration file.This configuration file contains the specification of the lists of access ids (i.e. users or groups) that belong to the roles user, business_admin or admin.
The keywords to specify these roles are as follows:
Role | Keyword |
user | taskana.role.user |
business_admin | taskana.role.businessadmin |
admin | taskana.role.admin |
Each entry may contain a list of access ids that are separated by the '|' character. Whitespace at the begin or end of each access id is ignored. This is, as sample config may look like
Code Block |
taskana.role.user = group1 | group2 taskana.role.admin= Holger | admingroup1| admingroup2|admingroup3 | uid=john.doe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com taskana.role.businessadmin=busadmgrpa|busadmgrpb | busadmgrpc |
By default, this configuration file has the name 'taskanaroles.properties' and is searched in the classpath. In addition, the separator '|' is used. Both defaults can be changed by specifying the property filename and separator explicitely when creating the TaskanaEngineConfiguration via constructor
Code Block |
TaskanaEngineConfiguration(DataSource dataSource, boolean useManagedTransactions, boolean securityEnabled, String propertiesFileName, String propertiesSeparator) |
If in this call, either propertiesFileName or propertiesSeparator is null, the default value is used.
If for example, taskana should use the 'application.properties' file from the classpath, you should specify "/application.properties" as propertiesFileName.
Please note, that if you specify a non-default propertiesSeparator, the access ids must not contain any character that is contained in this propertiesSeparator.