For testing we use a sample topology that comprising the following components:
WebLogic AdminServer, running camunda, the taskana parse listener, taskListener and outbox rest API, using an Oracle Database
Wildfly 12.0 server, running the Taskana REST Api and workplace (module taskana-rest-spring-example-wildfly) plus the adapter (module taskana-adapter-camunda-wildfly-example)
Preparation of WebLogic and the Oracle Database.
Oracle is set up in such a way that Camunda and TaskanaTaskListener / Taskana Outbox Rest use the same database but a different schema. Camunda uses schema ‘camunda’ while the Taskana components use schema taskana_tables.
Configure a WebLogic domain with an AdminServer.
Prepare oracle database and deploy camunda as described in . This involves creation of schema camunda and the camunda tables.
Create a new schema for the outbox tables:
1.Log into SQL Plus (sys as sysdba) and create user TASKANA_TABLES for the outbox schemaALTER SESSION SET "_ORACLE_SCRIPT"= TRUE;
Create USER TASKANA_TABLES identified by <password for TASKAN_TABLES>