Setup SonarCloud for your repository
1. Go to https://sonarcloud.io/
2. Log in / signup with your github account
3. Click on
“Analyze new project”. You find this option when pressing the + on the upper
left side of the menu bar:
4. When prompted to
select a repository, click on “Import another organization.”
5. Then click on “Choose an organization on GitHub”
56. Choose your account and repository and click “Install”
67. Select the free plan
Configure GitHub Actions for SonarCloud integration
1. Go to your fork
2. Go to Settings → Secrets
3. Add the following repository secrets:
Select “Manually”
Select “Maven” and . For the value of the SONAR-TOKEN, copy the token which can be found in the blurred section of the following image below “Configure the SONAR_TOKEN environment variable”.
The value for SONAR_ORGANIZATION can be found within the <sonar.login>-orginization> tag.
The value for SONAR_PROJECT_KEY is in the arguments of the mvn command below.
Now GitHub Actions should be configured and you can push a branch to get your SonarQube analysis on sonarcloud
Activate Branch / Pull Request Analysis
Navigate to Administration → General Settings → Pull Requests within your TASKANA project.
3. Add your repository identifier
Where to find new analyzed branches
After GitHub Actions successfully ran for your newly pushed branch, you can find the analysis in sonarcloudSonarCloud. Select your project and afterwards click on “master” “branches” in the top right corner, marked red in the following picturemenu on the right. There you will be able to select the desired branch analysis.