UI configuration

UI configuration

This page describes the configuration options you have to customize the behaviour of the TASKANA UI.

Environment Configuration

During startup the TASKANA UI loads the environment information from the URL

where {taskana-root} points to the deployment location of TASKANA.

This file contains two parameters:

{ "taskanaRestUrl": "http://localhost:8080/taskana/api", "taskanaLogoutUrl": "http://localhost:8080/taskana" }

In this case, TASKANA is deployed on localhost, port 8080 using the context root ‘/taskana’.

The REST API is found underneath ‘/api’ which is the default and cannot be changed. Please make sure you use the correct root for the REST API.

Customization of the Admin UI

Like the environment information, the customization information is loaded from the following URL:

where {taskana-root} points to the deployment location of TASKANA.

You can find the details about the customization options here: Admin UI Configuration


General TASKANA user-defined configuration

There is also the possibility to specify parameters which can be administered by business administrators in the UI. You can use these parameters for example to let your business administrators configure some behaviour like the routing of tasks or the prioritization without a deployment. The parameters are basically a list of name/value pairs.

You can configure the parameters in the TASKANA UI under the option “UI Settings”.

These parameters are saved in the CONFIGURATION table in the data base. The data structure is divided in two parts: The fields with their corresponding values and a field named “schema”. That field contains all information which is needed in the UI to display those parameters. The default object can be found here.

Currently the UI supports the following types of parameters:


What the UI shows


What the UI shows


an input field where text can be typed in


two input fields for numbers, a lower and an upper boundary


a color picker


a text area where a string in json format can be typed in

Those parameters can by administered in the UI by opening the side navigation and selecting “UI Settings”.




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