Continuous Integration (GitHub Actions)
Secrets: Organization Level
Name | Description | Used for |
GH_EMAIL | the github email address (defined in git config) | This configuration (e-mail & username) is used as author for the commit in which the pom’s are updated to the next SNAPSHOT version after a release. |
GH_USERNAME | the gitub user name (defined in git config) | |
GPG_KEY | the gpg private key encoded in base64 | This key is used to sign our artifacts when deploying to OSS Sonatype |
GPG_KEY_NAME | the e-mail address of the gpg key | |
GPG_PASSPHRASE | password for the gpg key | |
OSSRH_JIRA_USERNAME | username for OSS Sonatype | Credentials used to authenticate against OSS Sonatype during release |
OSSRH_JIRA_PASSWORD | password for OSS Sonatype | |
SONAR_ORGANIZATION | the sonarcloud organization | Used to identify the sonarcloud organization during SonarQube analysis upload |
SONAR_TOKEN | the authentication token for sonarcloud | Used to authenticate during SonarQube analysis upload |
ADMIN_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN | the PAT of an organization admin | Used to A) avoid the branch restriction and B) force Github Actions to build a workflow when the dependencies for a release build update. |
Secrets: Repository Level
Name | Description | Used for |
SONAR_PROJECT_KEY | the sonarcloud project key | Used to identify the sonarcloud project during SonarQube analysis upload |
IBM_CLOUD_API_KEY | the api key | Used to upload taskana-rest-spring-example-boot to IBM Cloud Foundry |
IBM_CLOUD_CF_API | the Cloud Foundry api | |
IBM_CLOUD_CF_ORG | the Cloud Foundry organization | |
IBM_CLOUD_CF_SPACE | the Cloud Foundry space |
Workflow triggers
A push to any branch (except dependabot branches)
A creation of a tag with
A pull request with the branch
as a goal
Secrets: Repository Level
Name | Description | Used for |
SONAR_PROJECT_KEY | the sonarcloud project key | Used to identify the sonarcloud project during SonarQube analysis upload |
Workflow triggers
A push to any branch (except dependabot branches)
A creation of a tag with
A pull request with the branch
as a goalEvery day at 5 a.m. UTC