Data Model v5.0.0
Data Model v5.0.0
Description of the tables and fields
ID | CHAR(40) | Unique ID | |
VERSION | VARCHAR(255) | The version of the TASKANA schema | 0.0.1 |
ENFORCE_SECURITY | BOOLEAN | Flag to determine if security is enforced for TASKANA | true |
CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES | CLOB | A container for all additional information on the task in JSON representation |
ID | CHAR(40) | false | Unique ID | |
EXTERNAL_ID | VARCHAR(64) | false | Id to correlate the task to a task in an external system. | |
CREATED | TIMESTAMP | true | The creation timestamp of the task in the system. | "2017-12-01 13:39:20" |
CLAIMED | TIMESTAMP | true | The timestamp of the last claim-operation on the task | |
COMPLETED | TIMESTAMP | true | The timestamp of the completion of the task | |
MODIFIED | TIMESTAMP | true | Timestamp of the last modification of the task | |
PLANNED | TIMESTAMP | true | Planned start of the task. The actual completion of the task should be between PLANNED and DUE. | |
DUE | TIMESTAMP | true | Timestamp when the task is due. The actual completion of the task should be between PLANNED and DUE. | |
NAME | VARCHAR(255) | true | The name of the task | "Inspect application" |
CREATOR | VARCHAR(32) | true | ||
DESCRIPTION | VARCHAR(1024) | true | The description of the task | |
NOTE | VARCHAR(4096) | true | ||
PRIORITY | INT | true | The priority of the task | |
STATE | VARCHAR(20) | true | The state of the task. See (...) | |
CLASSIFICATION_CATEGORY | VARCHAR(32) | true | The category of the classification of the task | |
CLASSIFICATION_KEY | VARCHAR(32) | true | The classified type of the task. Reference the classifications in the ClassificationService. | "Approval" |
CLASSIFICATION_ID | VARCHAR(40) | true | The id of the classification of the task | |
WORKBASKET_ID | VARCHAR(40) | true | The id of the workbasket the task is attached to | |
WORKBASKET_KEY | VARCHAR(32) | true | The workbasket key of the workbasket, the tasks resides in. | "CLAIM_INBOUND" |
DOMAIN | VARCHAR(32) | true | The current domain of the task (derived from the workbasket) | "DOMAIN_A" |
BUSINESS_PROCESS_ID | VARCHAR(128) | true | The id of the business process the task belongs to | |
PARENT_BUSINESS_PROCESS_ID | VARCHAR(128) | true | The id of the parent business process the task belongs to | |
OWNER | VARCHAR(32) | true | The owner id of the tasks. The owner is set upon claiming of the task. | "uid12345" |
POR_COMPANY | VARCHAR(32) | false | The company referenced primary object belongs to. | "ABC" |
POR_SYSTEM | VARCHAR(32) | true | The (kind of) system, the object resides in (e.g. SAP, MySystem A, ...) | "ERP" |
POR_INSTANCE | VARCHAR(32) | true | The instance of the system, the object resides in. | "33" |
POR_TYPE | VARCHAR(32) | false | The type of the reference (contract, claim, policy, customer, ...) | "VNR" |
POR_VALUE | VARCHAR(128) | false | The value of the primary object reference | "1234567" |
IS_READ | BOOLEAN | false | Indicator if the task has been read | |
IS_TRANSFERRED | BOOLEAN | false | Indicator if the task has been transferred | |
CALLBACK_INFO | CLOB | true | Callback information for usage with an adapter | |
CALLBACK_STATE | VARCHAR(30) | true | Signals an adapter if a callback to an external system is necessary | |
CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES | CLOB | true | A container for all additional information on the task in JSON representation | |
CUSTOM_1 | VARCHAR(255) | true | A custom property with name "1" | |
CUSTOM_2 | VARCHAR(255) | true | A custom property with name "2" | |
CUSTOM_3 | VARCHAR(255) | true | A custom property with name "3" | |
CUSTOM_4 | VARCHAR(255) | true | A custom property with name "4" | |
CUSTOM_5 | VARCHAR(255) | true | A custom property with name "5" | |
CUSTOM_6 | VARCHAR(255) | true | A custom property with name "6" | |
CUSTOM_7 | VARCHAR(255) | true | A custom property with name "7" | |
CUSTOM_8 | VARCHAR(255) | true | A custom property with name "8" | |
CUSTOM_9 | VARCHAR(255) | true | A custom property with name "9" | |
CUSTOM_10 | VARCHAR(255) | true | A custom property with name "10" | |
CUSTOM_11 | VARCHAR(255) | true | A custom property with name "11" | |
CUSTOM_12 | VARCHAR(255) | true | A custom property with name "12" | |
CUSTOM_13 | VARCHAR(255) | true | A custom property with name "13" | |
CUSTOM_14 | VARCHAR(255) | true | A custom property with name "14" | |
CUSTOM_15 | VARCHAR(255) | true | A custom property with name "15" | |
CUSTOM_16 | VARCHAR(255) | true | A custom property with name "16" | |
RECEIVED | TIMESTAMP | true | The creation timestamp of the enclosing business process. This is helpful to store the information, when e.g. a customer requests was received if this timestamp varies (a lot) from the creation timestamp of the task. | "2017-12-01 13:39:20" |
MANUAL_PRIORITY | INT | true | The manual priority to override the calculated internal priority. -1 if not set. | |
CUSTOM_INT_1 | INT | true | A custom number with name "1" | |
CUSTOM_INT_2 | INT | true | A custom number with name "2" | |
CUSTOM_INT_3 | INT | true | A custom number with name "3" | |
CUSTOM_INT_4 | INT | true | A custom number with name "4" | |
CUSTOM_INT_5 | INT | true | A custom number with name "5" | |
CUSTOM_INT_6 | INT | true | A custom number with name "6" | |
CUSTOM_INT_7 | INT | true | A custom number with name "7" | |
CUSTOM_INT_8 | INT | true | A custom number with name "8" |
ID | CHAR(40) | Unique ID | |
COMPANY | VARCHAR(32) | The name of the company the referenced business object belongs to | "ABC" |
SYSTEM | VARCHAR(32) | The name of the system containing the object | "XYZ_CLAIM_SYSTEM" |
SYSTEM_INSTANCE | VARCHAR(32) | The instance of the system (to distinguish between multiple installations of the same system | "33" |
TYPE | VARCHAR(32) | The type of the referenced business object | "CLAIM" |
VALUE | VARCHAR(128) | The id of the referenced business object | "1234567" |
ID | CHAR(40) | Unique ID | |
TASK_ID | CHAR(40) | The task the attachment belongs to | |
CLASSIFICATION_KEY | VARCHAR(32) | The classification of the attachment (if applicable) | |
CLASSIFICATION_ID | VARCHAR(40) | The classification id of the attachment | |
REF_COMPANY | VARCHAR(32) | The company referenced object belongs to. | |
REF_SYSTEM | VARCHAR(32) | The (kind of) system, the object resides in (e.g. DMS, Archive, ...) | |
REF_INSTANCE | VARCHAR(32) | The instance of the system, the object resides in. | |
REF_TYPE | VARCHAR(32) | The type of the reference (Archived Document, ...) | |
REF_VALUE | VARCHAR(128) | The value of the primary object reference | |
CHANNEL | VARCHAR(64) | The channel through which the attachment has been received | |
RECEIVED | TIMESTAMP | The timestamp on which the attachment has been received. This must not match the creation timestamp if for example a physical document is received on Friday but entered in the system on Monday. | |
CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES | CLOB | A container for all additional information on the attachment in JSON representation |
ID | VARCHAR(40) | Unique ID | "TCI:000000000000000000000000000000000000" |
TASK_ID | VARCHAR(40) | The task the task comment belongs to | "TKI:000000000000000000000000000000000000" |
TEXT_FIELD | VARCHAR(1024) | The actual comment | "This task is nice" |
CREATOR | VARCHAR(32) | The creator of the task comment | "John Doe" |
CREATED | TIMESTAMP | The creation timestamp of the task comment in the system. | "2020-12-01 13:39:20" |
MODIFIED | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of the last modification of the task comment | "2020-15-01 15:24:20" |
ID | CHAR(40) | Unique ID | |
KEY | VARCHAR(64) | They key of the workbasket | |
CREATED | TIMESTAMP | The creation timestamp of the workbasket in the system. | "2017-12-01 13:39:20" |
MODIFIED | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of the last modification of the workbasket | |
NAME | VARCHAR(255) | The name of the workbasket | |
DOMAIN | VARCHAR(32) | The domain in which the workbasket is visible | |
TYPE | VARCHAR(16) | The type of the workbasket | |
DESCRIPTION | VARCHAR(255) | The description of the workbasket | |
OWNER | VARCHAR(32) | The owner of the workbasket. The owner is responsible for the on-time completion of all tasks in the workbasket. | |
ORG_LEVEL_1 | VARCHAR(255) | The first Org Level (the top one) The Org Level is an association with an org hierarchie level in the organization. The values are used for monitoring and statistical purposes and should reflect the responsibility of the tasks in the workbasket. | |
ORG_LEVEL_2 | VARCHAR(255) | The second Org Level | |
ORG_LEVEL_3 | VARCHAR(255) | The third Org Level | |
ORG_LEVEL_4 | VARCHAR(255) | The fourth Org Level (the lowest one). | |
CUSTOM_1 | VARCHAR(255) | A custom property with name "1". | |
CUSTOM_2 | VARCHAR(255) | A custom property with name "2". | |
CUSTOM_3 | VARCHAR(255) | A custom property with name "3". | |
CUSTOM_4 | VARCHAR(255) | A custom property with name "4". | |
MARKED_FOR_DELETION | BOOLEAN | Indicator if the workbasket is marked for deletion |
ID | CHAR(40) | Unique ID | |
WORKBASKET_ID | CHAR(40) | The workbasket | |
ACCESS_ID | VARCHAR(255) | The access id, this ACL entry refers to. This could be either a userid or a full qualified group id (both lower case) | |
ACCESS_NAME | VARCHAR(255) | the name of the group or user for which the WorkbasketAccessItem controls access permissions | |
PERM_READ | BOOLEAN | The permission to read the information about the workbasket | |
PERM_OPEN | BOOLEAN | The permission to view the content (the tasks) of a workbasket | |
PERM_APPEND | BOOLEAN | The permission to add tasks to the workbasket (required for creation and tranferring of tasks) | |
PERM_TRANSFER | BOOLEAN | The permission to transfer tasks (out of the current workbasket) | |
PERM_DISTRIBUTE | BOOLEAN | The permission to distribute tasks from the workbasket | |
PERM_CUSTOM_1 | BOOLEAN | The permission for a custom property with name "1" | |
PERM_CUSTOM_2 | BOOLEAN | The permission for a custom property with name "2" | |
PERM_CUSTOM_3 | BOOLEAN | The permission for a custom property with name "3" | |
PERM_CUSTOM_4 | BOOLEAN | The permission for a custom property with name "4" | |
PERM_CUSTOM_5 | BOOLEAN | The permission for a custom property with name "5" | |
PERM_CUSTOM_6 | BOOLEAN | The permission for a custom property with name "6" | |
PERM_CUSTOM_7 | BOOLEAN | The permission for a custom property with name "7" | |
PERM_CUSTOM_8 | BOOLEAN | The permission for a custom property with name "8" | |
PERM_CUSTOM_9 | BOOLEAN | The permission for a custom property with name "9" | |
PERM_CUSTOM_10 | BOOLEAN | The permission for a custom property with name "10" | |
PERM_CUSTOM_11 | BOOLEAN | The permission for a custom property with name "11" | |
PERM_CUSTOM_12 | BOOLEAN | The permission for a custom property with name "12" |
SOURCE_ID | CHAR(40) | The workbasket ID of the workbasket which serves as source for the distribution | |
TARGET_ID | CHAR(40) | The workbasket ID of the workbasket which serves as target for the distribution |
ID | CHAR(40) | Unique ID | CLI:000000000000000000000000000000000001 |
KEY | VARCHAR(32) | The key of the classification. This is typically an externally known code or abbreviation of the classification | SD110 |
PARENT_ID | VARCHAR(40) | The id of the parent classification. Empty string ("") if this is a root classification. | CLI:000000000000000000000000000000000001 |
PARENT_KEY | VARCHAR(32) | The key of the parent classification. Empty string ("") if this is a root classification. | SD110 |
CATEGORY | VARCHAR(32) | The category of the classification (MANUAL, EXTERNAL, AUTOMATIC, PROCESS) | MANUAL |
TYPE | VARCHAR(32) | The type of classification (TASK, DOCUMENT) | DOCUMENT |
DOMAIN | VARCHAR(32) | The domain for which this classification is specified. | |
VALID_IN_DOMAIN | BOOLEAN | True, if this classification to objects in this domain. | |
CREATED | TIMESTAMP | The creation timestamp of the classification in the system. | "2017-12-01 13:39:20" |
MODIFIED | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of the last modification of the classification | |
NAME | VARCHAR(255) | The name of the classification | |
DESCRIPTION | VARCHAR(255) | The description of the classification | |
PRIORITY | INT | The priority of the classification | 5 |
SERVICE_LEVEL | VARCHAR(32) | The service level of the classification. This is stated according to ISO 8601 | P5D |
APPLICATION_ENTRY_POINT | VARCHAR(255) | The logical name of the entry point, the task list application should redirect to work on a task of this classification. | portal::customerDetails |
CUSTOM_1 | VARCHAR(255) | A custom property with name "1". | |
CUSTOM_2 | VARCHAR(255) | A custom property with name "2". | |
CUSTOM_3 | VARCHAR(255) | A custom property with name "3". | |
CUSTOM_4 | VARCHAR(255) | A custom property with name "4". | |
CUSTOM_5 | VARCHAR(255) | A custom property with name "5". | |
CUSTOM_6 | VARCHAR(255) | A custom property with name "6". | |
CUSTOM_7 | VARCHAR(255) | A custom property with name "7". | |
CUSTOM_8 | VARCHAR(255) | A custom property with name "8". |
JOB_ID | INT(4) | Unique ID | |
PRIORITY | INT(4) | The priority of the job | |
CREATED | TIMESTAMP | The creation timestamp of the job in the system. | "2017-12-01 13:39:20" |
DUE | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp when the job is due. | |
STATE | VARCHAR(32) | The state of the job | "READY" |
LOCKED_BY | VARCHAR(32) | The name of the current thread that is working on the job | |
LOCK_EXPIRES | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp when the lock on the job will expire | |
TYPE | VARCHAR(255) | The type of the job | "TASKCLEANUPJOB" |
RETRY_COUNT | INT(4) | Amount of retries in case when something goes wrong | "3" |
ID | VARCHAR(40) | Unique ID | 12345 |
TASK_ID | CHAR(40) | ||
EVENT_TYPE | VARCHAR(32) | The type of the event. | "CREATED" |
CREATED | TIMESTAMP | The timestamp of the event. | "2017-12-01 13:39:20" |
USER_ID | VARCHAR(32) | The userid of the user who triggered this event. | "user-1-1" |
DOMAIN | VARCHAR(32) | The domain for which this classification is specified. | |
WORKBASKET_KEY | VARCHAR(64) | The workbasket key of the workbasket, the tasks resides in. | |
POR_COMPANY | VARCHAR(32) | The company referenced primary object belongs to. | "ABC" |
POR_SYSTEM | VARCHAR(32) | The (kind of) system, the object resides in (e.g. SAP, MySystem A, ...) | "ERP" |
POR_INSTANCE | VARCHAR(32) | The instance of the system, the object resides in. | "33" |
POR_TYPE | VARCHAR(32) | The type of the reference (contract, claim, policy, customer, ...) | "VNR" |
POR_VALUE | VARCHAR(128) | The value of the primary object reference | "1234567" |
TASK_CLASSIFICATION_KEY | VARCHAR(32) | True, if this classification to objects in this domain. | |
TASK_CLASSIFICATION_CATEGORY | VARCHAR(32) | The category of the task classification | EXTERNAL |
ATTACHMENT_CLASSIFICATION_KEY | VARCHAR(32) | The creation timestamp of the workbasket in the system. | |
OLD_VALUE | VARCHAR(255) | The old value before the event occured. | |
NEW_VALUE | VARCHAR(255) | The new (changed) value after the event occured. | |
CUSTOM_1 | VARCHAR(128) | A custom property with name "1", for individual usage | "123" |
CUSTOM_2 | VARCHAR(128) | A custom property with name "2", for individual usage | "xyz" |
CUSTOM_3 | VARCHAR(128) | A custom property with name "3", for individual usage | |
CUSTOM_4 | VARCHAR(128) | A custom property with name "4", for individual usage | |
DETAILS | CLOB | The details of the changes within the event's task that occured | |
ID | VARCHAR(40) | Unique ID | 12345 |
EVENT_TYPE | VARCHAR(32) | The type of the event | "UPDATED" |
CREATED | TIMESTAMP | The timestamp of the event. | "2017-12-01 13:39:20" |
USER_ID | VARCHAR(32) | The userid of the user who triggered this event. | |
CLASSIFICATION_ID | VARCHAR(32) | The id of the event's classification. | |
APPLICATION_ENTRY_POINT | VARCHAR(64) | The logical name of the entry point, the task list application should redirect to work on a task of this event's classification. | |
CATEGORY | VARCHAR(32) | The category of the event's classification | "MANUAL" |
DOMAIN | VARCHAR(32) | The domain for which this event's classification is specified. | |
KEY | VARCHAR(32) | The key of the event's classification. This is typically an externally known code or abbreviation of the classification | |
NAME | VARCHAR(32) | The name of the events classification | |
PARENT_ID | VARCHAR(128) | The id of the event's parent classification. | |
PARENT_KEY | VARCHAR(32) | The key of the event's parent classification. | |
PRIORITY | VARCHAR(32) | The priority of the event's classification | |
SERVICE_LEVEL | VARCHAR(32) | The service level of the event's classification. | |
TYPE | VARCHAR(255) | The type of the event's classification | "TASK" |
CUSTOM_1 | VARCHAR(255) | A custom property with name "1", for individual usage | "123" |
CUSTOM_2 | VARCHAR(255) | A custom property with name "2", for individual usage | "xyz" |
CUSTOM_3 | VARCHAR(255) | A custom property with name "3", for individual usage | |
CUSTOM_4 | VARCHAR(255) | A custom property with name "4", for individual usage | |
CUSTOM_5 | VARCHAR(255) | A custom property with name "5", for individual usage | |
CUSTOM_6 | VARCHAR(255) | A custom property with name "6", for individual usage | |
CUSTOM_7 | VARCHAR(255) | A custom property with name "7", for individual usage | |
CUSTOM_8 | VARCHAR(255) | A custom property with name "8", for individual usage | |
DETAILS | CLOB | The details of the changes within the event's classification that occured |
ID | VARCHAR(40) | Unique ID | 12345 |
WORKBASKET_ID | VARCHAR(128) | The id of the event's workbasket | |
EVENT_TYPE | VARCHAR(32) | The type of the event | "DELETED" |
CREATED | TIMESTAMP | The timestamp of the event. | "2017-12-01 13:39:20" |
USER_ID | VARCHAR(32) | The userid of the user who triggered this event. | |
DOMAIN | VARCHAR(32) | The domain for which this workbasket is specified. | |
KEY | VARCHAR(64) | The key of the event's workbasket | |
TYPE | VARCHAR(32) | The type of the event's workbasket | |
OWNER | VARCHAR(32) | The owner of the event's workbasket. | |
CUSTOM_1 | VARCHAR(255) | A custom property with name "1", for individual usage | |
CUSTOM_2 | VARCHAR(255) | A custom property with name "2", for individual usage | |
CUSTOM_3 | VARCHAR(255) | A custom property with name "3", for individual usage | |
CUSTOM_4 | VARCHAR(255) | A custom property with name "4", for individual usage | |
ORGLEVEL_1 | VARCHAR(255) | The event's workbasket first (top) orgLevel | |
ORGLEVEL_2 | VARCHAR(255) | The event's workbasket second orgLevel | |
ORGLEVEL_3 | VARCHAR(255) | The event's workbasket third orgLevel | |
ORGLEVEL_4 | VARCHAR(255) | The event's workbasket fourth (top) orgLevel | |
DETAILS | CLOB | The details of the changes within the event's workbasket that occured |
USER_ID | VARCHAR(32) | false | The unique user id | "user-1-1" |
FIRST_NAME | VARCHAR(32) | true | The first name of the user | "Max" |
LAST_NAME | VARCHAR(32) | true | The last name of the user | "Mustermann" |
FULL_NAME | VARCHAR(64) | true | The full name of the user | "Max Mustermann" |
LONG_NAME | VARCHAR(64) | true | The long name of the user including all relevant information in one string | "Max Mustermann (user-1-1, KSC STUTTGART 3" |
E_MAIL | VARCHAR(64) | true | The email address of the user | "max.mustermann@taskana.org" |
PHONE | VARCHAR(32) | true | The phone number of the user | "+49 711 1234 5678" |
MOBILE_PHONE | VARCHAR(32) | true | The mobile phone number of the user | "+49 151 1234 5678" |
ORG_LEVEL_4 | VARCHAR(32) | true | The lowest org level, the user is assigned to (e.g. team) | "KSC STUTTGART 3" |
ORG_LEVEL_3 | VARCHAR(32) | true | The third org level, the user is assigned to | "KSC STUTTGART" |
ORG_LEVEL_2 | VARCHAR(32) | true | The second org level, the user is assigned to | "KSC" |
ORG_LEVEL_1 | VARCHAR(32) | true | The highest org level, the user is assigned to (e.g. company) | "COMPANY" |
DATA | CLOB | true | Space to store user specific information (e.g. for personalization) |
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