Checking out the code
Requirements: git
- Create an account on
Create a remote fork of
Fork A Repo (Github Help)
Configure git to automatically adjust line endings with each commit
(optional, but recommended)
git config --global core.autocrlf input
Create a local clone
# using https git clone<yourname>/taskana.git # using ssh git clone<yourname>/taskana.git
Create a remote for the upstream project so that it is later easier to retrieve changes from the main repository.
cd taskana # using https git remote add upstream # using ssh git remote add upstream
Build the application(s)
Requirements: maven, node, java
Version requirements: Java 8, Maven 3.6.0.
Full build
mvn clean install
Taskana Library
mvn clean install -f lib
Rest Api
mvn clean install -f rest
UI (admin / monitor / workspace)
cd web npm install
When a taskana version is changed please do not forget to build taskana-parent, taskana-rest-parent and taskana-lib-parent
A) full build
B) See codeblock below
mvn clean install -N && mvn clean install -N -f lib && mvn clean install -N -f rest
Start the application(s)
Requirements: maven, node, java
Rest Api
First of all change devMode property to true in taskana-rest-spring-example file, then follow the next steps.
cd rest\taskana-rest-spring-example-boot mvn spring-boot:run
Admin, Monitor and Workplace UI
cd web ng serve
Then you can open a browser pointing to http://localhost:4200/ url to access to web application.