Backend Coding Guidelines

  • Variable naming conventions:

    • Readability and understandability

  • If doable, do not use the user admin or taskadmin for any test.

  • All entities (in JavaDoc, REST doc and comments) start with a capital letter

  • All attributes (in JavaDoc, REST doc and comments) are written identical to the variable name (camel + lower case)

  • All method parameters of type varargs (e. g. String … ids) are in plural

  • Use code folding whenever it seems appropriate: // region <region name> ... // endregion

  • In our Service-Interfaces we want to separate methods by CREATE, READ, UPDATE and DELETE.

    • If appropriate we want to separate entities first by using code folding then separate by CRUD.

    • If one of CREATE, READ, UPDATE or DELETE sections have >= 5 methods then we want to separate methods by using code folding.

  • We are using Spring Constructor Injection

  • HTTP Status Code return type: For NotFoundExceptions status code 404 should only be used if the REST API can’t map the client’s URI to a resource. All other cases should use status code 400 - BAD REQUEST

    • example: DomainNotFoundException - if the domain does not exist it is an invalid request message parameter which leads to a bad request

  • We always use method references whenever possible

    // good assertThat(results) .hasSizeGreaterThan(2) .extracting(TaskSummary::getWorkbasketSummary) .extracting(WorkbasketSummary::getId) .isSortedAccordingTo(CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER.reversed()); // not wanted assertThat(results) .hasSizeGreaterThan(2) .extracting(e -> e.getWorkbasketSummary().getId()) .isSortedAccordingTo(CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER.reversed());


  • We never want String constants for Exception messages or logging statements. We prefer to duplicate those messages here because of code readability

  • We don’t enforce types in our lambda statements: (sortBy, sortDirection) -> {} instead of (String sortBy, SortDirection sortDirection) -> {}

  • We prefer String.format() over String concatinations if the code is not constantly executed. However, we don’t want to use String.format() in logging statements.

  • We want to use Default Methods in Interfaces, if methods are overlapping

  • We want to use the annotation ContructorProperties instead of an empty private constructor for initialization of models by jackson/spring.

  • We don’t want to use curly braces in ThrowingCallable lambda expressions

  • For Map variables, we use the valueByKey naming convention

  • How to write TASKANA specific words:

    • Entities: Camel case, exactly the class name
      e.g. WorkbasketAccessItem → WorkbasketAccessItem

    • Instance variables: White spaces instead of camel case, all words start with lower case
      e.g. <Classification>.serviceLevel → service level

    • Short names are valid if unambigous

    • Variable names should be unambigous

  • Use quotes when writing values of variables in String.format() and logging messages:

    • e.g. Task with id '152' instead of Task with id 152

  • In lambda expression we only use curly braces when it can not be avoided.

  • According to SlF4J FAQ, the debug message will only be formatted if debug is enabled. An additional check using if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) is not necessary.

  • We want to replace Thread.sleep with the help of Awaitility whenever it is possible.