Testing Guidelines

Testing Guidelines


  • Tests should not be public

  • Instance variables should have no modifiers

  • Constants have to be private static final

  • Instead of using ““ for master domains, use constant MASTER_DOMAIN for better readability

  • The test API should only be used for setting up the test case. Tested behavior should be implemented using the API of TASKANA.

    • Example: If creating a Task is the test case, then use

      Task task = taskService.newTask(defaultWorkbasketSummary.getId()); task.setClassificationKey(defaultClassificationSummary.getKey()); task.setPrimaryObjRef(defaultObjectReference); task.setManualPriority(123); Task result = taskService.createTask(task);

      instead of

      Task task = TaskBuilder.newTask() .classificationSummary(defaultClassificationSummary) .workbasketSummary(defaultWorkbasketSummary) .primaryObjRef(defaultObjectReference) .manualPriority(123).buildAndStore(taskService);
  • If possible, getting entities from the database should be avoided by using return values.

    • Example:

      Task task = createDefaultTask().manualPriority(123).buildAndStore(taskService); task.setManualPriority(42); Task result = taskService.updateTask(task);

      instead of

      Task task = createDefaultTask().manualPriority(123).buildAndStore(taskService); task.setManualPriority(42); taskService.updateTask(task); Task result = taskService.getTask(task.getId());
  • If tests throw any exception, they must throw Exception.class only

  • Testclass name pattern:

    • rest: Start with the name of the tested class or description of the tested behavior, end with “IntTest” or “RestDocTest”, e.g. TaskControllerIntTest

    • lib: Start with the name of the tested class or description of the tested behavior, end with “AccTest”, e.g. UpdateTaskAccTest

  • Assertions

    • We are using AssertJ only

    • Concatenate the assertions if possible

    • We are strictly using the AssertJ fluent syntax. This means assertThat(<testObject>).<operation>
      BAD: assertThat(string.contains(“foo”)).isTrue();
      GOOD: assertThat(string).contains(“foo”);
      General Rule: Do not use any operation within the assertThat() function. Use existing functions from AssertJ’s assert classes.

    • We want to use extracting instead of explicit extracting for collection-type entities.

      • e.g.

        assertThat(events) .extracting(WorkbasketHistoryEvent::getEventType) .containsExactly(WorkbasketHistoryEventType.DISTRIBUTION_TARGET_ADDED.getName());

        instead of

        type = events.get(0).getEventType(); assertThat(type).isEqualTo(WorkbasketHistoryEventType.DISTRIBUTION_TARGET_ADDED.getName());
  • Exceptions:

    • When checking for exceptions in our tests, we want to use one of the following methods:

      • Building an expected Exception and testing for equality with the thrown exception.

        • e.g.

          Exception expectedException = new Exception(param1, param2, ...); assertThatThrownBy(() -> classificationService.createClassification(classification)) .usingRecursiveComparison().isEqualTo(expectedException);
      • Catching the exception thrown and checking if fields are set correctly through assertions.

        • e.g.

          ThrowingCallable call = () -> classificationService.createClassification(classification); Exception e = catchThrowableOfType(call, Exception.class); assertThat(e.getX()).isEqualTo(X); assertThat(e.getY()).isEqualTo(Y);

Unit Tests

  • Test name pattern: should_ExpectedBehavior_When_StateUnderTest or should_ExpectedBehavior_For_Situation
    In case it is not possible to name the test with “when” or “for”, it is okay to write should_ExpectedBehaviour. The most important thing is that the name is as understandable as possible.

Rest Tests

  • Url and HttpEntity should be extracted. The variables should be named url and auth:

    String url = restHelper.toUrl(RestEndpoints.URL_ACCESS_ID) + "?search-for=cn=ksc-users,cn=groups,OU=Test,O=TASKANA"; HttpEntity<?> auth = restHelper.defaultRequest(); ResponseEntity<List<AccessIdRepresentationModel>> response = TEMPLATE.exchange( url, HttpMethod.GET, auth, ACCESS_ID_LIST_TYPE);
  • When testing our REST Service, we always use an ObjectMapper instance to convert an Object to a JSON representation. We NEVER create JSON Strings manually.


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