Outcomes (2022)

Outcomes (2022)

Intermediate results

Check, whether all created topics to discuss really need discussion. If they are bugs or tasks, create tickets and delete the topics from the “to discuss” list.







Check, whether all created topics to discuss really need discussion. If they are bugs or tasks, create tickets and delete the topics from the “to discuss” list.



Finish the new test-packages structure, and discuss it later.

@joerg.heffner @Holger Hagen (Unlicensed)


Integrate the the PR to TSK-1783.



Think about how to write performance tests



Refactor ServiceLevelHandler after 1th April

@Mustapha Zorgati @Elena Mokeeva (Unlicensed)


In order to clear the intended functionality of sorting by attachment, ask clients



Split CompleteTaskAccTest after integration of the PR to TSK-1783



Think about extending architecture tests. If possible, they should check, if the coding guidelines are being followed.



Add the class SharedConstants in pro.taskana.common.api (taskana-core) as part of TSK-1885

@Elena Mokeeva (Unlicensed)


Discuss the release of the test-api



introduce uniform commit messages (probably during the GitHub migration)



Talk about Aria Labels during the accessibility discussion



Discuss renaming taskana to TASKANA during Github migration



Change PR template, so that corresponding release notes go into the description. They should be copied each time after integration of a PR.

@Elena Mokeeva (Unlicensed)


Other outcomes

  • We decided to structure tests using packages instead of nested classes.

  • The decision, if an extra db2 query implementation is still needed, can be made after performance tests. Afterwards, we might need to discuss if/how to clean db2-query implementation.


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