Testing of the JBoss/Wildfly deployment

Testing of the JBoss/Wildfly deployment

The purpose of this page is explain how to test the TASKANA web application on a Wildfly Application server.

Integration Tests

There are dedicated integration tests for the TASKANA application on Wildfly. They can be found here: https://github.com/Taskana/taskana/tree/master/rest/taskana-rest-spring-example-wildfly/src/test/java/pro/taskana

These tests are based on a Wildfly server managed by Arquillian. 

The default runs an integration test with a H2 datasource. You can change this to PostgreSQL by providing an environment variable to the test:


This will use the application-<db-type>.properties instead. 

Maven Build

The Maven build will download the Wildfly server and unpack it into the target directory:


Furthermore the PostgreSQL database driver will be registered:


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