Classification Service
Classifications define the type of a Task.
They are strutured hierarchially.
The Classification Service allows to insert, update and query the Classification table.
Classification Query
The Classification Query allows to make generic querys to the Classification table.
For example
returns a List of Classifications which are specified for "domain1" and are not valid now.
In the bottom of this page you see all attributes you can ask for (except ID).
Other Services
selectClassificationById (returns the valid default classification for this id)
Automatically set values
Some attributes are automatically set by the Classification Service to fulfill some constrains.
If you create an new Classification it get's an individual Id.
Because older versions are stored and domain-specific Modifications are possible, this Id is NOT unique.
Created, ValidFrom, ValidUntil:
To ensure this dates are correct they're set automatically. Other values are overwritten.
Only the latest version of a Classification is valid, but older versions are stored, not deleted.
To guarantee that for every domain the newest version is valid, this flag is set automatically.
Because "null"-values are not accepted by the ClassificationQuery, the default domain is an empty String.
Root Classifications have no parents. To find them with the ClassificationQuery either, the default value is an empty String.
ID | NOT unique Id for every Classification. |
TenantId | Id of the tenant. |
ParentClassificationId | Id of the ParentClassification. If there's no parent, this is an empty String. |
Category | Defines the kind of content in the Classification. By default there are four types: EXTERN, MANUELL, MASCHINELL, PROZESS |
Type | Groups the Classifications independent from the tree structure. |
Domain | The Default-Domain is an empty String. Every Domain can specify the Classification for itself. |
ValidInDomain | Is this version valid for this domain? |
Created | Date when the Classification with this Id was created the first time. |
Name | Name of the Classification. |
Description | Description of the Classification. |
Priority | Integer which indicates the Priority. |
ServiceLevel | Time to finish the belonging tasks. Format: PddDHttTmmM (lower case letters are variables) For example: P1D |
Customer | There can be up to 8 customers linked to a classification. |
ValidFrom | Date from which the Classification is valid. |
ValidUntil | Date until the Classification is valid. Actual valid Classifications are valid until "13.12.9999". |