Frontend Coding Guidelines

  • Project and folder structure according to this article

  • CSS class names:

    • according to BEM (block ≙ component)

    • in the SCSS files, use selectors like & instead of writing class names in full length (see this article)
      example: toolbar { … &__buttons { … } } instead of toolbar { … } toolbar__buttons { … }

  • Structure HTML files with sections and separate them with comments: <!-- <section name> -->

  • Use RxJS operator take(1) instead of first()

  • In the state, we have to use take(1) whenever we get an observable from a function we call

  • Our store’s actions always return observables (no void)

  • Use lambda function instead of .bind(this)

    • => this.classificationsDeepCopy(children));
      instead of;

  • We use ExampleType[] instead of Array<ExampleType>, when refactoring or writing new code

  • Test name pattern: should_ExpectedBehavior or should_ExpectedBehavior_When_StateUnderTest depending on the specific test

  • Testing standards according to this article

  • All entities (displayed in the UI) should start with a capital letter

  • How to write TASKANA specific words which are displayed in the UI:

    • Entities: White spaces instead of camel case, all words start with a capital letter
      e.g. WorkbasketAccessItem → Workbasket Access Item

    • Instance variables: White spaces instead of camel case, all words start with lower case in continuous text and with capital letter otherwise (e.g. in captions)
      e.g. in continuous text: <Classification>.serviceLevel → service level
      e.g. in a caption: <Classification>.serviceLevel → Service Level

  • For maps, we recommend to use ‘valueByKey’ naming convention

  • Use quotes when writing values of variables in strings:

    • e.g. Task with id '152' instead of Task with id 152